Late/Cancellation Policy

Late, No-Show, and Cancellation Policy Effective February 1, 2023


As you know there has been an increase in demand from our community for veterinary care.  Our goal at The Pet Hospital of Stratford has always been to provide quality medical care in a timely matter.  Late arrivals, no-shows and last-minute cancellations inconvenience those clients and their pets that need our veterinary care.  Adequate notice to cancel or reschedule an appointment allows us to take care of other patient’s needs and keep the hospital running efficiently.


For these reasons, it has become necessary that we implement the following policies:


Late Arrivals:  Unfortunately, when even one patient arrives late, it can throw off the entire schedule for that day. Therefore, a client that arrives 15 minutes after scheduled  time will need to reschedule their pet’s appointment.


Appointment Cancellations:  We are now requiring at least 24-hour notice prior to your scheduled appointment.  Failure to do so will result in the following fees:


1st time there will be no fee as we do understand emergencies occur.

2nd time will result in a $67.00 non-refundable fee that must be paid prior to rescheduling appointment.

3rd time may consequently result in dismissal from our practice.


**The fees above will also apply to clients who “No-Call/No Show” for their scheduled appointment.  


Thank you for your support and understanding!